Riding with a Load Crossword Puzzle

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Riding with a Load Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: sitting : adjust the mirrors with you and the pillion both _ on the bike, weight : the owner's manual should give you the total amount of _ the bike is designed to carry, including rider and pillion, smoothly : it is important to ride very _ when carrying a pillion, trailer : towing a _ is less of a change from riding a solo bike, but this also has its peculiarities, tyres : you may also have to add air to the tyres, passenger : to carry a pillion your bike will need a seat designed to carry a _ and footpegs for them, carrying : if it's possible, you should adjust the preload of the bike's suspension when you are _ extra weight, panniers : balanced - by filling panniers evenly or strapping heavy loads onto the seat, chain : a loose load or strap could catch in the rear wheel or _ and cause a crash, loads : bikes are not designed to carry large _ , eight : the pillions feet must reach the footpegs; keep in mind if carrying children - who must be aged _ years or more to travel as a passenger, restricted : you must not carry a pillion if you are a learner rider or have a _ motorcycle licence, secure : finally, check the load frequently to make sure it is still _ , handlebars : animals must not be carried between the _ and the rider of a motor bike, protective : pillions should wear the same kind of _ clothing and helmet as riders