Preventing Sprains & Strains Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: footwear : proper _ and maintaining good walking surfaces help prevents slips, trips, and falls that can result in sprains and strains, strain : a _ occurs when a muscle stretches unusually far or abruptly, fatigue : sprains and strains develop when _ outruns the body's recovery system, exercise : regular _ can help prevent sprains and strains, help : get _ lifting heavy loads, muscles : tired _ are less likely to provide good support for your joints, twisting : avoid _ your body while handling a load, sprain : a _ occurs when you overextend or tear a ligament while severely stressing a joint, stretching : regular _ can help increase flexibility and minimize your risk of strains and sprains, knees : always lift by bending at the _ , lifting with leg strength, not the back, repetitive : _ motions can lead to wear and tear on joints, rice : method for treating a sprain or strain, force : use of excessive _ can lead to injuries, dehydration : _ can lead to muscle tension and cramping. , physical : warming up before _ activity loosens muscles and increases range of motion, overextend : don't _ yourself - use a step stool or ladder when lifting above shoulder height, postures : awkward _ place excessive force on joints.