Black Death + Medicine Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: plague : what was the black death? , buboes : a symptom of the black death, swollen, bloodletting : method of treating illness including black death, physician : name of a middle ages doctor, rats : these animals transported fleas on their backs, fleas : these insects carried the bacteria, chicken : rub this plucked animal onto your skin as a cure, china : where the black death started, bubonic : another name of the black death, ends in -onic, jewish : religion of the people who were blamed for the plague, hippocrates : the person who created the four humours theory, galen : the person who developed the theory of opposites, phlegm : name of one of the four humours, starting with p, church : this organisation held significant power and influence, hospitals : these were very different in the middle ages, focussed on care, not cure, god: most people blamed illness on this being