Planet Earth & Beyond Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: moon : a cool, round object that always orbits around the earth, gravity : the pull that holds things on earth, surface : the outside part or uppermost layer of something, orbit : a regular, repeating pathway along which an object moves around another, rocket : a long tall structure that can be propelled into space, stars : objects in space that are luminous in the night sky, cycle : heat from the sun is important for the water _ , crater : a round hole made by something that has fallen on it, oceans : the largest of earth's saltwater surfaces, sun : a bright star that gives light and warmth to planet earth, space : unending darkness beyond the earth's atmosphere, feature : an interesting or distinctive attribute of something, asia : the largest continent, habitat : a natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or organism, atmosphere : the layer of gases or air surrounding the earth or another planet, planet : a large object that moves around a star, phases : _ of the moon are the changing patterns of sunlight on the moon, system : the solar _ is the sun and all the objects that move around it, continent : one of the seven main large pieces of the earth's surface, island : a piece of land surrounded by the sea.