Infection Control: Microorganism and Diseases Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: protozoa: one cell animal-like i.e. malaria , bacteria : single-celled microorganism; can be seen only under a microscope, pandemic : a worldwide spread of a new disease, such as a new influenza virus or the coronavirus, covid-19, vaccine : the substance which is injected to trigger the body to develop its own defense (by producing antibodies), pathogen : disease-causing microorganisms , exogenous: originates outside the body, fungi: plant-like organisms i.e. yeasts, molds i.e. ringworm, thrush etc , antibiotics : the medicines that kill or stop the growth of disease-causing microorganisms, rickettsia: parasitic i.e. lice, ticks, fleas , aerobic : needs oxygen, yeast : a unicellular fungus, virus: microorganism that cannot reproduce without a cell , microorganisms : these are organisms that are too small and are not visible to the naked eye. these include a virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae, endogenous : originates inside the body, anaerobic: no oxygen