Actions in Cooking Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: and smooth, steam: food that is cooked in vapor given off by boiling water, blanch: to cook in boiling water and then shock in ice water, grill: bottom heat, saute: to fry food until fully cooked in a small amount of fat, bread: to coat foods with a dry ingredient by placing the dry ingredient in a plastic bag and dropping one piece of food into the bag & shaking to coat, flute: to make grooves or folds in dough, julienne: thin, match-like sticks, stir-fry: small amount of fat, lots of vegetables, small amount of meat, mash: to crush food, usually after cooking it, so that it forms a soft mass, stir: to move a spoon in a circular motion to mix ingredients, peel: to remove the skin or outer covering of foods, usually by hand, blend: to use an electric mixer or spoon to beat a mixture until it is soft , chop: to use a sharp knife, food processor, or blender to cut foods into small, uneven pieces, toss: to mix the ingredients of a food dish, such as salads and pasta, by using a light lift and drop method, marinade: liquid made of acid to tenderize connective tissues of meat, broil: to cook under direct heat