Asian Imperialism Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: dutch : they were the most prosperous nation in the 17th century due to their control of indonesia, lin : the commissioner tasked with ridding china of its social ills, conservative : china will not successfully modernize because their leaders were too _ , stock : joint- _ companies were private trade companies, silver : china only accepted this in return for their goods, jinnah : leader of the muslim league that called for a day of direct action, spice : the voc wanted to control this trade in asia, partition : 1947, india and pakistan were created, perry : person responsible for opening japan to trade, railroad : one modern technology europeans brought to india or vietnam, manila : major spanish trading city, sangley : a rebellion that ended with the killing of many chinese merchants in the philippines, russia : japan modernized and was recognized as a world power, especially after defeating them in a war, meiji : once japan signed an unequal treaty with the u.s. they restored the emperor to power, known as the _ restoration, laos : along with cambodia and vietnam, they were called french indochina, siam : between french indochina and british territory in asia, indigo : along with cotton, britain exported this from india, sepoy : they rebelled when rumors of cow & pig fat on rifle cartridges spread, opium : wars which led to several unequal treaties in china