World Food Safety Day Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: temperature : food should be cooked to the right _ to prevent food poisoning, bottom : meat should be stored in the _ of the refrigerator or cooler, quality : safe _ foods (sqf), refrigerated : food should be _ within 2 hours after bringing is home from the grocery store, wash : _ hands before and after handling food, millions : food borne pathogens affect _ of people annually, clean : use a _ plate when taking cooked food off the grill, cross contamination : _ _ can be prevented by washing hands and utensils, separate : _ raw meat, poultry, and seafood from other foods, haccp : a system that addresses food safety through the analysis and control of biological, physical, and chemical hazards, end : buy cold or frozen food at the _ of your grocery shopping trip, bacteria : _ multiplies and grows faster in a warm environment