Out of the Ordinary Crossword Puzzle
Out of the Ordinary crossword puzzle printable. Download, print and start playing. You can add your own words to customize or start creating from scratch.
Recommended: Check out this Advance Crossmaker Maker to create commercial use printable puzzles.
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QUESTIONS LIST: narrow-minded: unwilling to accept or consider other people's different ideas and behavior, cagey: unwilling to give information, enrichment: the act or process of improving the quality or power of something by adding something else, amiable: pleasant and friendly, assertive: behaving confidently and able to say in a direct way what you want or believe(=confident), envy: to wish that you had something that another person has, outlandish: strange and unusual and difficult to accept or like(=eccentric), irritable: becoming annoyed very easily, timid: shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened, deterioration: the fact or process of becoming worse, conceited: too proud of yourself and your actions and abilities , level-headed: calm and able to deal easily with difficult situations, well-meaning: wanting to have a good effect, but not always achieving one