Nutrition / Healthy Eating Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: calorie : units of energy in food, food allergy : condition in which the body's immune system reacts to a food, nutrients : essential substances for growth, energy, and function, dietary : _ guidelines - for americans recommendations for establishing eating patterns to promote health, carbohydrates : nutrients that are the major source of energy for the body can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products, protein : nutrient the body uses to build and maintain cells and tissues, unsaturated : type of fat found in plant-based foods; are liquid at room temperature, food intolerance : conditions in which a person's body cannot properly digest particular types of food, my plate : food guidance system to remind people about he five different food groups they should eat at a meal, saturated : type of fat found primarily in animal-based foods; are typically solid at room temperature, malnutrition : form of poor nutrition in which a person does not get the recommended amounts of essential nutrients, nutrition : process of choosing and consuming food for health and growth, fats : nutrients that provide a valuable source of energy for muscles