Nursing Fundamentals Crossword Puzzle

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Nursing Fundamentals Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: bradycardia : this pulse rate is characterized by less than 60 bpm in the adult, non maleficence : do no harm, actively listen : a vital aspect of providing effective and appropriate nursing care is being able to _ _ to a patient in a way that conveys understanding, sensitivity, and compassion, insufficient : too many interruptions or disorganization during the physical examinations can lead to the collection of erroneous information, resulting in incomplete or _ data, secondary : the goal of this level of prevention is early detection and diagnosis of health problems before patients exhibits symptoms of disease, prejudice : the process of devaluing an entire group because of assumed behavior, values, or attributes, dorsal recumbent : during an abdominal inspection, ask the patient to lie supine, in the _ _ position, with arms at the sides and knees slightly bent, implementation : during this step of the nursing process, nurses initiate the appropriate interventions designed to meet the unique needs of each patient, tactile : _ receptors, or those detectable by touch, are located in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, allostasis : homeostasis is reestablished. the purpose is to assist the body in maintaining stability, radiography : the use of x-rays to visualize bones, organs, and soft tissues for abnormalities