New York State Crossword Puzzle

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New York State Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: fingerlakes: central new york region known for it's anatomical bodies of water, theegg: performing arts venue found in albany, ellisisland: location where nearly 12 million immigrants passed through between 1892-1954, beaver: official state animal, freedomtower: tallest building in new york city, sixtytwo: total number of counties in new york state, buffalo: after new york city, what is the next largest city in new york?, erie: great lake that the city of buffalo sits on, central : largest park in manhattan, rose: the official state flower, roosevelt: a former president of the u.s. who was born in new york, hochul: current governor , adirondack : largest park in new york state, newyorkpost: oldest running newspaper in new york, jackalope: which answer from last week's crossword was actually not true...or real!?, everupwards: state motto, "excelsior" translated.