Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle

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Natural Disasters Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: boundary: tectonic plates meet at a plate _ , hokusai: the artist who painted a giant wave, evacuate: what you need to do before a natural disaster arrives, flood: when there is too much water all over the land, avalanche: when snow comes tumbling quickly down a mountain, earthquake: caused when two tectonic plates move very suddenly, drought : a severe lack of water, equator: an imaginary line that goes around the earth, tropical: a type of climate that is very close to the equator, tornado: a very scary weather event with the fastest winds on earth, poverty: when people are poor and have no food, they are in _ , volcano: a mountain from where lava can escape at the top if it, tsunami : an enormous harbor wave, crops : during a famine, not many of these things can grow, japan: a country that gets many earthquakes beginning with j, blizzard: heavy snow and wind, very very cold, fire: this can happen in a forest if the temperature gets too hot, polar: a type of climate that is very far from the equator.