Lady and the Tramp Crossword Puzzle

Lady and the Tramp crossword puzzle printable. Download, print and start playing. You can add your own words to customize or start creating from scratch.

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Lady and the Tramp Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: tramp : the boy dog who likes lady, mean : it when someone is not being nice, swung : cause to move back and fourth, poor : if someone don't have much money, learned : lady has _ a lot of stuff, angry : when someone is more than mad, friends : lady made two new _ that are really nice, crept : lady slowly _ away, guard : lady when up stairs to _ the baby. like protecting, help : my dog is stuck and needs?, important : you have very _ stuff to do, lady : what was the female dogs name?, knocked : collide with something, hurry : lady parents are going to be late so the need to?, smiled : it an expression for when you are happy