Laboratory Safety Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: iwil: rtp's site safety lead, extinguishers: this is used to put out fires, oxygen: the gray box on the wall monitors what, long: what kind of pants are required for working in labs, characteristics: ignitable, corrosive, reactive and toxic describe chemicals, fume hood: which lab equipment exhaust odors or acids residue when work with highly reactive substances, cpaf: a nz document that communicates chemical hazards, sds: what document is referred to for chemical safety, two: how many cho's do we have (together 108tw & 9000dd), cryogloves: a type of ppe worn to prevent cold exposure to the skin, red : the most common color that identify lab hazards, ppe: lab coats, gloves and eye wear is all apart of what we wear in the lab, autoclave: we use this machine to decontaminate and sterilize, sharp: handle scalpels, knives and other objects with caution, peridox: the disinfectant used in rtp laboratories