Histology & Embryology Crossword Puzzle

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Histology & Embryology Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: peroxisomes: are membrane-bound organelles, involved in the conversion of reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide into water & oxygen, protoplasm: part of a cell comprising the living part of a cell, including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles, desmosomes: adhesive intercellular junctions that mechanically integrate adjacent cells by coupling adhesive mediated by cadherins, keratin: a fibrous protein forming the main structural constituent of hair and skin, mesenchyme: the meshwork of embryonic connective tissue from which all other connective tissues of the body are formed, including bones, fibroblasts: a type of cell that contributes to the formation of connective tissue, a fibrous cellular material supporting ct, collagen: protein molecules made up of amino acids. it provides structural support to the extracellular space of ct, osteoblast: cells that build bone, myocytes: the cells within the heart tissue that generate the tiny electrical impulses that cause heart muscle cells to contract, plantation: the process by which the embryo attaches to the endometrial surface of the uterus and invades the epithelium , gastrulation: a critical process during week 3 of human development, trophoblasts: are cells forming the outer layer of a blastocyst, which provides nutrients to the embryo, hypoblast: the inner layer of an embryo at an early stage of development that becomes the endoderm at gastrulation, syndactyly: fused one or more digits, quickening: when a pregnant person starts to feel their baby's movement in their uterus (womb).