Healthy Habits Crossword Puzzle

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Healthy Habits Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: meditation : a tool that you can use to relax and calm down, mandala : what we color in for our mindfulness session, soccer : a fun ball game where you score goals, healthy : what kind of habits should you try to have?, behaviors : eating unhealthy, drinking alcohol and using drugs are examples of negative ...., digest : after you eat something, it begins to .., well being : something you look after through healthy habits, nutrients : eating a balanced diet helps to give us the vitamins and _ we need to maintain a healthy body and mind, water : a healthy substitute for soft drink and juice, wash : one healthy habit is to _ your hands, pyramid : different foods are categorized on the food _ , alcohol : a drink that isn't good for you and adults drink it, heart rate : what we measured during our game of soccer.