Geometric Shapes Crossword Puzzle

Geometric Shapes crossword puzzle printable. Download, print and start playing. You can add your own words to customize or start creating from scratch.

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Geometric Shapes Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: rhombus: a flat shape with four straight sides that are all the same length, pyramid: a volume with each face forming a triangle and the base is a square, cylinder: a solid with two round faces like a tube, diameter: the width of a circle or a sphere, cube: a solid with six square faces, rectangle: a quadrilateral with four right angles and its diagonals are the same length, square: a quadrilateral with four right angles and its four sides have the same length, circle: a round plane figure with a radius, a center and a diameter, center: a point that indicates the middle of the circle, sphere: a closed surface with all points at the same distance (radius) from the center, cone: it looks like a cornet to hold ice cream !