First Aid Contents Crossword Puzzle

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First Aid Contents Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: lyme : what is the disease that ticks can transmit if they are not removed with a tick picker?, infection : what can antimicrobial spray protect against?, vet wrap : what is the cohesive bandage that sticks to itself? it should always be used over a dressing, repellent : vet wrap is resistant against some water penetration so it is water …, dressing : use it directly on a wound to keep it clean and dry, syringe : what is the method of administering critical care formula for a rodent that can’t eat?, water : what should critical care formula be mixed with?, gloves : what should be worn on the hands to prevent cross-contamination?, tweezers : this is the wrong tool for removing a tick, towel : this item can be used to restrain an animal, torch : this item is essential if it is dark and you are outside providing first aid to an animal, blood : what does a tick feed on?, stasis : what might feeding critical care formula prevent within the gut?, fiber : a nutrient that critical care formula is high in, protector : what need to be applied to combs and wattles during very cold weather?, microbes : fungi, viruses and bacteria are examples of these