Evolution Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: mutation : a change in the genetic material of an organism, extinction : the permanent loss of all members of a species from an area or from the world, recessive : a phenotype that will only show up in the offspring if both of the alleles coding for that characteristic are inherited, heterozygote : individual with different alleles for a characteristic, homozygote : individual with two identical alleles for a characteristic, evolutionary trees : models used to explain the evolutionary links between groups of organisms, species : the smallest group of clearly identified organisms in linnaeus’s classification system, often described as a group of organisms that can breed together and produce fertile offspring, meiosis : two stage process of cell division that reduces the chromosome number of daughter cells. it is involved in making, domain : the highest level of classification. there are three domains – archaea, bacteria and eukaryota, polydactyly : a dominant inherited disorder that results in babies born with extra fingers and/or toes, classification : the organisation of living organisms into groups according to their similarities, archaea : one of the three domains, containing primitive forms of bacteria that can live in many of the extreme environments of the world, genotype : the genetic makeup of an individual for a particular characteristic, for example hair or eye colour, natural selection : the process by which evolution takes place, speciation : the process by which two species evolve from a single original species by natural selection, phenotype : the physical appearance / biochemistry of an individual for a particular characteristic