Ecosystems Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: abundance : a measure of how common something is, community : all the different organisms living and interacting with one another in a particular area, habitat : the place in which an organism lives, e.g. woodland or sea shore, quadrat: a square frame that is placed on the ground to get a sample of the organisms , biotic : factors caused by living organisms in an environment, such as competition or predation, abiotic: non-living conditions that can influence where plants or animals live (e.g. temperature, the amount of light), biodiversity : the variety of species in an area, blackspot : pathogen of roses that is killed by acidic air pollution, indicator : species whose presence indicates the presence or absence of certain types of pollution. , host : an individual that can be infected by a certain pathogen, parasite : an organism that lives on or in a host organism and takes food from it while it is alive, indigenous : organisms that have always been in an area. (another word for native.), reforestation : planting new forests where old forests have been cut down, desalination : a process that produces fresh drinking water by separating the water from salt, distillation : the process of separating a liquid from a mixture by evaporating the liquid , potable : suitable for drinking.