Early Republic of America Crossword Puzzle

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Early Republic of America Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: britain: the war of 1812 was between the u. s. and _ , impartial: washington's proclamation of neutrality tells us to be _ , national bank: what was hamilton's solution to the debt problem?, embargo: jefferson was also president during the _ act of 1807, andrew jackson: the battle of new orleans helped who gain fame?, sedition: the sedition act violated an amendment?, republican: thomas jefferson was a democratic _ , louisiana: jefferson was president during the _ purchase, first: what amendment was violated?, james monroe: who was the monroe doctrine written by?, john adams: who was president during the xyz affair?, presidential: the _ cabinet were advisors under washington, alien: the _ and sedition acts were passed during john adams presidency, federalist.: alexander hamilton was a _ , appointments: jefferson's refused john adams midnight _ and lead to marbury vs madison, neutrality: the proclamation of _ was stated by washington to be impartial toward other countries.