Daily Hygiene Promotes Healing Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: bedtime : oral hygiene should be completed twice a day-- in the morning, at _ , and prn, hospital : basins/washcloths are not recommended because they harbor bacteria associated with _ acquired infections, towel : when cleaning dentures, place a _ in the bottom of the sink to avoid cracking the dentures, if dropped, toothette : a pink _ can be used to clean a patient's mouth who is npo, has dentures removed, or is unable to use a toothbrush, daily : all patients should be offered bathing and oral care on a _ basis according to policy, mouth : patients who have a gastrostomy tube, are npo, are intubated or are unresponsive receive _ care a minimum of every 4 hours, skin : during bathing, observe changes in the _ and notify the nurse of any redness, rashes, bruising, or abnormalities. , catheter : provon sure-step wipes should be used for _ care instead of bath wipes during peri care, gloves : separate bath care from foley care by performing hand hygiene and changing _ in between, instructions : it is important to use bath wipes according to manufacturer's _ to prevent cross-contamination, labeled : denture cups should be _ with a patient sticker to protect the dentures and prevent loss, refuses : if a patient _ daily hygiene in the morning, offer again at a later time before documenting response, independence : allowing patients to participate in their daily hygiene routine promotes _ and gives them a sense of normalcy and control, back : protect your _ by raising the bed to waist level when providing bedside care, protect : use barrier wipes/aloe vesta for incontinence care to _ the skin and minimize excess moisture. do not use bath wipes for incontinence care, folds : lotion should never be used between skin _ ,between toes, or anywhere there is skin-on-skin contact.