Covalent Compounds Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: covalent bond : bond when an atom shares one or more pairs of electrons (2 words), molecular orbital : space shared electrons move within (2 words), bond length : distance between two bonded atoms (2 words), bond energy : energy required to break the bonds of 1 mol of a chemical compound (2 words), polar : _ covalent bond where the shared electrons are held more closely by one of the atoms (3 words), dipole : molecule that contains both positive and negative charged regions, valence electron : electrons found in the outermost shell (2 words), lewis structure : structural formula where electrons are represented by dots (2 words), unshared pair : nonbinding pair of electrons in the valence shell (2 words), single bond : covalent bond in which two atoms share one pair of electrons (2 words), double bond : covalent bond in which two atoms share two pairs of electrons (2 words), triple bond : covalent bond in which two atoms share three pairs of electrons, resonance structure : when a molecule has two or more possible lewis structures (2 words), vsepr theory : theory that predicts some molecular shapes based on valence electrons repelling each other (2 words)