Business Terms Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: product: a tangible item produced to meet a need or want (7), consumer: the end user of a product (8), sole trader: a business run by one person (4, 5), capital money: that invested in a business (7), cost price: the price a business pays for an item (4,5), partnership: a business run by two or more people (10), services: the provision of non physical products such as labor, insurance, advertising (8), owner: a person or organization which has full legal rights over a property (5), market: the bringing together of a buyer and a seller (6), rent : this is payment for the use of land or buildings owned by someone else (4), price: the cost of a product (5), nationalization: when private companies take over by the state (15), utility: a service providing the supply of water, electricity or gas (7), transport: the movement of goods, resources and people (9), running costs: daily costs which are incurred from wages, rent, electricity, etc (7,5), competition: different producers contending with each other in the same market (11)