Brain & Behavior Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: cns: made up of the brain and spinal cord, synapse: place at which two neurons make a functional connection, excitatory: increases the probability that a postsynaptic neuron will fire an action potential, axon: carries the electrical signal away from the cell body and down the length of the neuron, multipolar: purkinje, pyramidal, & motor neurons, neurons: cells that communicate messages through electrical and chemical signals , electrical: how a neuron communicates a signal within the neuron, bipolar: neuron w/ single axon at one end and dendrite at the other end, glial: cell that provides structure, nutrition and other types of support to the brain, cerebellum: the brain that coordinates movement with sensory input, autonomic: nervous system which operates involuntarily , localization: theory that different parts of the brain are responsible for different behaviour and function , chemical: how a neuron communicates between neurons, axonhillock: where action potentials are generally initiated, unipolar: neuron w/ single branch that extends two directions, inhibitory: a hyperpolarizing potential response in the postsynaptic neuron