Biomolecule Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: cho : acronym that represents the elements involved in carbohydrates and lipids, chon : acronym that represents the elements involved in proteins, chonp : acronym that represents the elements involved in nucleic acids, carbohydrates : used as fast source of energy by cells, nucleic acids : contain genetic material and are used in the process of protein synthesis, proteins : used to build body tissue and perform the life functions of cells, lipids : biomolecules that make up cell membranes, store energy, and act as chemical messengers in the body , monomer : a term meaning "building blocks", nucleotides : the monomer of nucleic acids, fatty acids : the monomer of lipids, amino acids : the monomer of proteins, glucose : a carbohydrate, a single 6-carbon sugar, starch : a carbohydrate made up of long strands of glucose molecules, enzymes : proteins that help speed up chemical reactions, collagen : a protein that makes up your skin, hair and bone, dna : an example of a nucleic acid, used to direct protein synthesis, rna : an example of a nucleic acid, takes the information from dna and helps make proteins in protein synthesis, steroids : an example of lipids, chemicals (hormones) that your body makes naturally, help your organs, tissues, and cells do their jobs efficiently, olive oil : an everyday example of a lipid, a healthier option instead of vegetable oil when cooking