At the Golf Course Crossword Puzzle

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At the Golf Course Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: caddie : a person who is hired to carry a player's bag and clubs from hole to hole on the golf course, wedge : a type of club with a steep loft used for hitting a high soft-landing shot, handicap : a numerical representation of a golfer's playing ability, bogey : a score of one over par, loft : the degree or angle of the face of the club, drained : slang term for having sunk a putt, birdie : a score of one less than par, approach : a shot that is hit towards the green or towards the hole, fairway : the center, short-mow portion of a golf hole in between the teeing ground and the green, putting : using the golf stroke to roll the ball on the green, chipping : a low-trajectory, short golf shot typically made from just off the green, eagle : a score of two under par, beach : slang term for a sand bunker, slice : when a right-handed player strikes the ball such that it curves sharply from left to right