4th Grade Science Crossword Puzzle

4th Grade Science crossword puzzle printable. Download, print and start playing. You can add your own words to customize or start creating from scratch.

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4th Grade Science Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: friction : a force that slows down, gravity : a force that pulls objects together, texture : the way an object feels, weathering : process of wearing down by the atmosphere, mass : measure of gravity's pull on an object, force : push or pull, geologist : a scientist who studies rocks and the land, soil profile : soil defined by nature or class, reflect : to show or bounce back light, bedrock : solid rock under loose deposits, erosion : process of breaking down by wind, water, or other agents, property : a trait that tells you something about an object, conductor : a material that allows heat to go through it, insulator : a material that does not allow heat to go through it, absorb : to take in or soak up, position : location of an object.