Let the Shenanigans Begin Crossword Puzzle

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Let the Shenanigans Begin Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: blarney: according to legend, kissing the _ stone endows the kisser with the gift of the gab, green: the color most associated with st. patrick's day, jig: irish dance, orange: the irish flag is green, white and _ , rainbow: an arch of colors that appear in the sky after it rains, shillelagh: irish walking stick, shamrock: a type of clover, gold: found at the end of the rainbow, pot of _ , march: the month that st. patty's day is celebrated, pinched: if you do not wear green on st. patty's day you might get _ , parade: a large public procession, festive and celebratory, marking special occasions or holidays, corned beef: salt cured meat from a cow, usually served with cabbage, fiddle: another name for violin, especially when used to play folk music, irish stew: beloved by many and is considered the staple dish of the country, leprechaun: this bearded man wears a green suit and hat, four leaf clover: a rare variation of the common three-leaf clover, luck: good _