Scavenger Hunt Bingo

Make your own printable scavenger hunt bingo bingo cards. Customize, download and print randomized bingo cards.

Recommended: Check out more Custom DIY Bingo Cards in many new themes and styles and for different occassions.

Scavenger Hunt Bingo

Edit / Customize 20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $6.95 90 Cards - $8.95 120 Cards - $10.95

What you can edit

To make changes, click on the 'Customize' button. You can change:

  • Title, Words
  • Grid size (e.g. 5x5 / 4x4 / 3x3)
  • Theme
  • Per page print option (single, two per page etc.)
  • Text color including (title & words)
  • Grid border style (boxed, lined or borderless), color & background
  • Words alignment
  • Option to include or remove free space
  • Change free space text color
  • Different options to fit words in grid (auto, same size, nowrap)
WORDS LIST: a suction cup ball, a large rhododendron leaf, swimming pool ring, shower toy, large ripe tomato, garden green bean, shale covering drainage pipe, large green lego, lincoln log block, juice pouch, hickory nut in mesh bag, orange colored pencil, garden green pepper, dandelion, dryer laundry ball, blank greeting card, paper cup, new plastic knife, crushed empty pop can, pop can tab, tiny green garden tomato, empty corn cob, tiny stick, dead leaf, large pulled weed