Word Scramble Generator

Create your own word scramble puzzles with this word scramble generator app. Choose from the pre-made templates or create random puzzles with solution using your own list or words.

Recommended: Check out this Advance Word Scramble Puzzle Maker to create commercial use printable puzzles.



Words List

Shuffle words / Sort words

Font Style

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Word Scramble Generator Word Scramble

Download Print

Download will include puzzle worksheet and an answer key.

About Word Scrambles

Word Scramble Puzzles are some of the popular puzzle games that kids love to solve and unscramble. Such puzzles are fun, interactive and engaging way for kids to work on their vocabulary skills while having fun. Have them solve these puzzles by looking at the mixed or scrambled words. This Word Scramble Puzzle can have maximum of 20 words. Simply create your puzzle, download and play.

How to Create your own custom Word Scramble Puzzle printable?

To create your own Word Scramble Puzzle, follow the steps listed below:

  • Enter the title of your Word Scramble Puzzle
  • Enter your word list in the Word List section
  • Select the Font Style
  • Click on the “Generate Now” button. You can press this button again to randomize the order of the shuffled letters
  • Download the puzzle, print and start solving. The download PDF will have two separate sheets, one Word Scramble puzzle and second with answers

To see and download the existing Word Scramble Puzzles, click on “Browse Gallery” button.

WORDS LIST: Happy , Holidays , Winter , Season , Christmas