Columbus Day Bingo

Make your own printable columbus day bingo cards. Customize, download and print randomized bingo cards.

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Columbus Day Bingo

Edit / Customize 20 Cards - FREE

60 Cards - $6.95 90 Cards - $8.95 120 Cards - $10.95

What you can edit

To make changes, click on the 'Customize' button. You can change:

  • Title, Words
  • Grid size (e.g. 5x5 / 4x4 / 3x3)
  • Theme
  • Per page print option (single, two per page etc.)
  • Text color including (title & words)
  • Grid border style (boxed, lined or borderless), color & background
  • Words alignment
  • Option to include or remove free space
  • Change free space text color
  • Different options to fit words in grid (auto, same size, nowrap)

Columbus Day is officially celebrated as an anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492. This bingo game cards are based on the things related to Columbus and his journey.

WORDS LIST: Columbus, New World, Celebration, Nina, Italian, National Holiday, Asia, Landing, August, Italy, Ships, October, Holiday, Christopher, Explorer, Santa Maria, Catholic, Caribbean, Bahamas, Voyage, Expedition, Columbus Day, Pinta, Arawak, Discovery, Europe to Asia, King Ferdinand, Spices, Controversial, America, Indies, Ocean, Canary Islands, Atlantic, 1492, Queen, Queen Isabella, Indians, Spain